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FAQs & Shipping 

The Worms Arrive Alive or They're Free! 

We stand by our products with a live arrival guarantee. In the unfortunate event that your worms arrive dead, please email us at within 48 hours so we can refund you. This email needs to include a picture of the worms in the original packaging. In the event your worms arrive alive but you are still unsatisfied with the purchase, email us and we can discuss a refund, partial refund, or discount towards future purchases depending on the situation. Live worms can not be returned as they will likely not survive the return trip, this is why we offer refunds instead! For items other than live worms, please email us with a picture of the item and an explanation of the problem, and we can negotiate a full/partial refund or discount. 



No Shipping of live worms. Once we get your order contact us to schedule for pick up at the farm.  Live worm will not survive in transit mail.  Once you arrive we will pick and pack your order of worms on site. In order to make sure your worms are as healthy, plump, and well-fed as possible before you get them, we leave worms in their natural environment right up until your order! If weather conditions, such as extreme temperatures, would make it likely for your worms to die during transit, we will hold the order until shipping conditions are favorable again and notify you. If you need worms within a certain timeframe or require an otherwise special order, please email us or call us at (831) 359-1529.



Packages of compost worms are hand-picked and sorted from the outdoor piles in which the worms are raised. There may be other species of composting worms in your package besides Eisenia fetida (Red Wrigglers), as well as other decomposers such as springtails. All of these species work together to break down waste in your compost bin, and as conditions change in their environment, different species may multiply more than others in order to pick up the slack in the composting process. This is natural and in most cases beneficial for your compost and garden!

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